Albert Einstein
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but nothing simpler. The five ascending levels of intellect are: smart, intelligent, brilliant, genius, simple.”
Jack Bogle
“The great paradox of this remarkable age is that the more complex the world around us becomes, the more simplicity we must seek in order to realize our financial goals. Never underrate either the majesty of simplicity or its proven effectiveness as a long-term strategy for productive investing. Simplicity, indeed, is the master key to financial success. I look at indexing as being simple and, sad to say, boring. Be bored by the process but elated by the outcome. In Vegas, it’s the opposite. You’re elated by the process, by the moment, but you’re bored by the outcome because you know exactly what it will be. The more you bet, the more you lose. Investing shouldn’t give you a rush.”
Warren Buffett (on Bogle)
“If a statue is ever erected to honor the person who has done the most for American investors, the hands-down choice should be Jack Bogle. For decades, Jack has urged investors to invest in ultra-low-cost index funds. In his crusade . . . Jack was frequently mocked by the investment management industry. Today, however, he has the satisfaction of knowing that he helped millions of investors realize far better returns on their savings than they would otherwise have earned. He is a hero to them and to me.”
Warren Buffett
“To invest successfully, you need not understand beta, efficient markets, modern portfolio theory, option pricing, or emerging markets. You may, in fact, be better off knowing nothing of these.”
Christine Benz, a WCICON23 keynote speaker
“Simplicity is one of the greatest—but in my view, woefully underrated—virtues when managing a portfolio.”
Mike Piper (on his one-fund retirement portfolio)
“The change my wife and I made was to move every dollar of our retirement savings over to Vanguard’s LifeStrategy Growth Fund. It’s now the only funds in our individual 401(k) and our IRAs. The primary reason we made the change was to defend against what I’ve come to see as the biggest threat to our investment success: me. To be more specific, it’s my temptation to tinker that scares me. Because of my work, I’m constantly reading about different investing strategies. Most, of course, are nonsense—nothing more than methods of using the stock and bond markets as a lottery. But there are still countless ways to invest that are reasonable. And when I go to rebalance our portfolio, I’m often tempted to make little changes. Most such changes would probably be fairly benign, but my fears are that:
- One day I’ll do something truly stupid, or
- I’ll bounce back and forth between reasonable allocations, but do so at exactly the wrong times
My hope is that this automatically-rebalanced, everything-in-one-fund sort of portfolio will keep me from such temptations—both because I won’t have to execute any transactions other than buying more of the same fund and because that fund is an explicit reminder to myself that I’m not supposed to mess with anything. I see two other benefits as well:
- It’s less work, and
- It puts my money where my mouth is, given that the whole point of this blog is to show that investing in a simple, hands-off way really can be quite prudent.”
Rick Ferry
“Don’t assume that a complex strategy is better than a simple strategy. The only thing extra complexity is likely to add is extra cost.”
Laura Dogu
“A simple portfolio is actually the ultimate in sophistication. It almost always lowers costs (including taxes), makes analysis easier, simplifies rebalancing, simplifies tax-preparation, reduces paperwork and record-keeping, and enables caregivers and heirs to easily take over the portfolio when necessary. Best of all, a simple portfolio allows investors to spend more time with family and friends.”
Morgan Housel
“Simple almost always beats complex.”
Jean Chatsky
“The problem with so much personal financial advice is that it’s unnecessarily complicated, often with the goal of selling you something you don’t need.”
Jonathan Clements
“Investing is simple. To be sure, you can make it ludicrously complicated.”
Bill Bernstein
“The more real people I got to know, the more I am convinced the simpler the solution, the better the solution.”
JL Collins
“The more complex an investment is, the less likely it is to be profitable. At best, they are costly. At worst, they are a cesspool of swindlers.”
Benjamin Graham
“If you are just trying to bring just a little extra knowledge and cleverness to bear upon your investment program, instead of realizing a little better than normal results, you may well find that you have done worse. In the stock market, the more elaborate and abstract the mathematics, the more uncertain and speculative are the conclusions we draw there from.”
Nassim Taleb
“Don’t be enticed by complex investment products that are created by incomprehensible mathematics.”
Henry David Thoreau
“Our life is frittered away by details. Simplify, simplify.”
Michael LeBoeuf
“Simplicity in investing does not generate fees and commissions. That’s the problem financial salespeople have so they try to make investing seem complicated.”
Jane Bryant Quinn
“You shouldn’t buy anything too complex to explain to the average 12-year old.”
Scott MacKillop
“People who don’t know any better equate complexity with sophistication. But truly it takes more sophistication to build elegantly simple portfolios.”
I think that’s enough to make my point clear. All of these respected investing experts say sophistication and complexity does not beat simplicity and low cost. The next time someone calls you and your investing techniques are boring, simple, and unsophisticated, know that you’re in good company. If you want to call me unsophisticated, I will reply, “Guilty as charged.”
But that is not because I don’t understand how the financial world works; it’s because I do.
What do you think? What is the value of simplicity in your financial life? When have you been misled by a complex product or investment? Comment below!