Your Rights As A Tenant

Dealing With Damp as a Tenant

Once you have noticed that the impact is a problem you will need to speak to your landlord or let the agent immediately and request that whatever is causing it be fixed.

The sooner you do this the better. Dealing with damp quickly will help avoid further damage to the property and prevent other hazards such as mold from taking hold.

Damp can occur over a prolonged period of time and it isn’t always visible. This means that it is often missed until it becomes a serious problem.

So, as a tenant you have a responsibility to be aware of these potential issues and report them as soon as you see them. This, really, is the best way to protect your home.

Likewise, if you are viewing a property and you see a damp then let the letting agent or landlord know. Just because there is damp doesn’t mean you shouldn’t move in but you will want to know that whatever is causing it has been fixed before you take that step.

Finally, your landlord or letting agent should be carrying out an internal inspection of the house fairly regularly. This might be every 3 months, 6 months or sometimes just once a year.

Remember that these inspections are not all about you as a tenant but also about looking for problems like dampness, which if left untreated could later impact the comfort of your home.

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