The Insider: Stylish ‘Upside Down’ Owner Duplex Crowns Greenpoint Townhouse Renovation

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The new owners of a stoopless, century-old three-story row house knew from the get-go that they would leave the existing ground-floor rental apartment in place and transform the building’s upper floors, configured as two floor-through rental units, into a duplex for themselves.

That’s where the project took a slightly unconventional turn. “We started the renovation process thinking about the stacking of the program as you would expect,” said architect Andrew McGee, who with partner Matthew Hettler heads up the Dumbo-based Format Architecture Office, which does new builds and renovations across a variety of residential and commercial project types. “The living room, kitchen, dining and powder room were planned for the second floor, and bedrooms would be on the third.”

But as the architects opened up walls and removed dropped ceilings, they discovered unexpectedly high ceilings, especially on the top floor. “When we took down the ceiling on the third floor — I kid you not — there was almost three feet of space,” McGee recalled. “They had leveled the pitched ceiling front to back and put asbestos tiles there.” When the owners popped by to check on the progress of the demolition, “What had been an eight-foot ceiling was 10-1/2 feet.”

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