Lands’ End: Low Margins And Too Much Debt (NASDAQ:LE)

Mom fitting a dress on her lovely cheerful daughter in fashion boutique

Images By Tang Ming Tung


I like to write about companies that lack coverage on SA and today I’m taking a look at Lands’ End (NASDAQ:LE). It’s a clothing retailer focused on the e-commerce segment that has adjustedOTCPK:RTMAFRET:CAOTCPK:RTMNF

Lands' End existing buyer file

Lands’ End

Lands' End revenue breakdown

Lands’ End

Lands' End historical financial performance

Lands’ End

Lands' End historical financial performance

Lands’ End

Lands' End Q3 2022 income statement

Lands’ End

Lands' End Q3 2022 balance sheet

Lands’ End

Reitman's adjusted EBITDA
